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Sunset Skies

"Being the daughter of an anointed and strong Holy Ghost filled woman of God and also, being influenced by many other strong women of God, it has driven me to seek God for the strength, courage, and holy boldness that He so lovingly had for me.  Growing up I never really realized the value of freedom, courage, boldness, and strength in God, or even the need for them, until I was faced with situations of my own which led me to seek for those extremely necessary attributes.  Such situations in my life as a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a cousin, a niece, and yes, even a servant of God in the church, led me to seek my Father God in being "steadfast, submissive, strong, sweet, smart, and sanctified, because there were many times when I was "stupid" but not in the sense of being unintelligent as this writing will explain."  Read more of Godly Women by purchasing your copy.  To purchase your copy, complete and submit the short contact form at the bottom of the "About" page.  

Godly Women Strive to Be

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